LeadGenius Boosts Oasis Marinas' Outreach with Accurate and Efficient Data


Oasis Marinas, a leading provider of marina management services, sought to enhance their outreach and engagement efforts. Targeting marinas, RV parks, and campgrounds, Oasis Marinas needed a reliable way to source accurate contact information for property owners—data that was often challenging to obtain. To address this need, Oasis Marinas turned to LeadGenius.


Oasis Marinas faced several key challenges in their outreach efforts:

  1. Difficult-to-Source Contact Information: Property owners of marinas, RV parks, and campgrounds often have elusive contact details, making it challenging to establish direct communication.
  2. Time-Consuming Data Hunting: The sales team spent considerable time searching for accurate contact information, which hindered their efficiency and productivity.
  3. Low Email Deliverability: Inaccurate or outdated email addresses led to low deliverability rates, impacting their ability to connect with potential clients.

Why LeadGenius?

Oasis Marinas chose LeadGenius for several compelling reasons:

  • Accurate Contact Data: LeadGenius provided highly accurate and comprehensive contact information, ensuring that Oasis Marinas could reach property owners effectively.
  • Increased Efficiency: By outsourcing data collection to LeadGenius, Oasis Marinas' sales team could focus more on engaging with potential clients rather than hunting for contact information.
  • Enhanced Email Deliverability: LeadGenius' reliable data improved email deliverability rates, ensuring that their outreach efforts reached the intended recipients.

Solutions Provided by LeadGenius

LeadGenius implemented a tailored solution to address the challenges faced by Oasis Marinas:

  1. Weekly Data Enrichment:
    • LeadGenius enriched the contact information for marinas and campgrounds provided by Oasis Marinas on a weekly cadence.
    • This included sourcing accurate email addresses and other relevant contact details for property owners.
  2. Enhanced Data Accuracy:
    • Utilized advanced data collection and verification techniques to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the contact information.
    • Provided Oasis Marinas with reliable data that significantly reduced email bounces and improved deliverability.
  3. Time-Saving Solutions:
    • By handling the data sourcing and enrichment, LeadGenius allowed Oasis Marinas' sales team to save valuable time and focus on building relationships and booking meetings with potential clients.

Results and Impact

The partnership between Oasis Marinas and LeadGenius yielded impressive results:

  • Increased Email Deliverability:
    • The accurate contact information provided by LeadGenius led to a significant increase in email deliverability rates.
    • This ensured that Oasis Marinas' messages reached more property owners, enhancing their outreach effectiveness.
  • More Meetings Booked:
    • With reliable data and improved email deliverability, Oasis Marinas was able to book more meetings with potential clients.
    • The increased engagement helped Oasis Marinas expand their client base and grow their business.
  • Time Savings for Sales Team:
    • By outsourcing the time-consuming task of data hunting to LeadGenius, the sales team at Oasis Marinas could focus on high-value activities such as engaging with potential clients and closing deals.
    • This led to increased efficiency and productivity within the sales team.


LeadGenius played a pivotal role in enhancing Oasis Marinas' outreach strategy by providing accurate, timely, and comprehensive contact data. The partnership allowed Oasis Marinas to overcome the challenges of sourcing difficult-to-find contact information and significantly improve their email deliverability and engagement rates. Through continuous data enrichment and reliable contact information, LeadGenius ensured that Oasis Marinas could reach more property owners, book more meetings, and ultimately achieve greater business success.