How Data Quality Impacts Sales Effectiveness

Data Hygiene
Data Bakeoffs
B2B Data Solutions
September 17, 2024

Is your sales team losing opportunities because of poor data quality on sales? Without accurate customer data, your team will struggle to make the most out of targeting prospects and converting leads.

In this article, we will show proven strategies to improve data quality, streamline your sales process, and boost conversion rates. Through real-world examples, we will show what data quality refers to and how clean data creates better targeting, stronger customer relationships, and accurate sales forecasts. Let’s get started.

4 Ways Data Quality Boosts Sales (With Real-Life Examples)

Data-driven companies are 23x more likely to acquire new customers and retain them. As you read through this section, identify which examples you can apply to your business, whether it's improving lead targeting or streamlining sales processes.

1. Accurate Targeting

High-quality data helps your team reach the right leads at the right time. Accurate customer profiles ensure that sales reps can personalize their outreach, improving the chances of conversion. Poor data, on the other hand, means wasted effort on wrong leads or irrelevant pitches.

Tools like LeadGenius will ensure your data is accurate and up-to-date, so your team will focus on the right prospects. It defines specific customer attributes like company size, revenue, and location, and continuously updates this data to reflect changes in real-time. This way, your sales team crafts personalized outreach based on precise customer insights.

An excellent example is Bariatric Fusion which uses customer data to personalize product recommendations. Their “Vitamin Recommendation Quiz” helps customers find the right bariatric vitamins based on their specific surgery and health needs. This quiz uses accurate customer data to offer personalized product recommendations. 

data quality on sales - Accurate Targeting

This precision helps drive higher engagement, as customers get relevant product suggestions that support their health goals.

2. Enhanced Cross-Selling Opportunities

Reliable data helps your sales teams identify cross-selling opportunities by showing customer preferences and purchase history. With accurate insights, sales reps can suggest complementary products.

We also see this automated cross-selling in action on eCommerce websites. For example, after a customer purchases a product, automated systems suggest related items, like accessories or upgrades based on their purchase history.

An excellent example of cross-selling is Tailored Athlete. When a customer searches for a Muscle Fit Dress Shirt, the site not only recommends similar shirts in the "You may also like" section but also highlights key offers to entice buyers. For instance, they put the dress shirt in light blue on sale, slashed from £65.00 to £30.00 to make it more appealing. 

They also bundle some shirts with a deal, like "4 shirts for £149." These smart strategies, combined with cross-selling, offer attractive pricing and options tailored to the customer's interest.

data quality on sales - Example

3. Better Customer Relationships

Data quality affects the level of personalization in communication. With up-to-date, high data quality, your sales reps can offer relevant solutions to customers’ needs. This builds stronger customer relationships and increases loyalty. 

Amazon leverages clean and complete customer data to personalize its entire shopping experience. From recommending products based on previous purchases to sending personalized offers and reminders, Amazon's accurate data enhances customer satisfaction and increases sales.

My favorite example to learn from is Escort Radar’s welcome email strengthens customer relationships by immediately offering personalized discounts ("Get up to $50 off") and exclusive product updates. The personalization doesn’t just stop at the greeting, it goes further by offering relevant deals that incentivize the customer to take the next step in their journey with the brand.

data quality on sales - Better Customer Relationships

4. Accurate Sales Forecasting

Good data quality ensures that sales forecasts are reliable to make informed decisions on resource allocation and strategy. Low quality data skews forecasts which means missed targets or overextended resources.

For example, General Motors (GM) uses big data analytics to predict customer demand, align production schedules, and reduce waste. Their location-based analytics determine where their customers are so they can position dealerships strategically. They also analyze local demographics and market trends to tailor their marketing efforts.

This approach helps GM meet customer demand more effectively and minimize production costs​.

The Impact Of Poor Data Quality On Sales & What You Can Do About It

Poor data quality costs businesses an average of $15 million/year mainly because of lost opportunities, inefficiencies, and mistakes. Let’s find out how poor data quality impacts your operations: 

1. Lost Sales Opportunities

35% of marketers say poor data quality limits their success in targeting ads accurately. Imagine your sales team trying to follow up with a lead but reaching out to an old phone number or email address. This reduces the chance of closing a deal.

To prevent lost sales opportunities,  maintain accurate and complete data. Here's how to do it: 

2. Conduct Regular Data Audits

Set up a schedule (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) to audit your sales database. During these audits, look for incomplete records, outdated contact details, or incorrect customer information. Use CRM reports to identify missing or inaccurate data values.

3. Automate Data Cleansing

Implement automated data cleansing tools like Informatica or Talend to check for duplicates, standardize data formats (like phone numbers and addresses), and update old records. These tools can run in the background so your database is always up to date without manual effort.

4. Wasted Time & Resources

Bad data like outdated contact information wastes valuable time and can cost your company up to 15% to 25% of its operational budget. Sales teams spend more time correcting errors, searching for missing information, or dealing with duplicate entries which reduces overall productivity. To stop wasting time on bad data, your team needs the right tools and training: 

5. Use Deduplication Tools

Invest in deduplication software like Ringlead or DemandTools. These tools can scan your CRM for duplicate entries and merge them into a single, accurate record. Set these tools to run regularly to catch new duplicates as they occur.

6. Create A Data Entry Guide For Your Team

Develop a standard operating procedure (SOP) that outlines how data should be entered into your CRM. Include details like required fields, proper formatting (for phone numbers, emails, etc.), and when to update customer information. Share this guide with your sales team and conduct regular training sessions to reinforce these practices.

7. Monitor Data Entry Consistency

Hire a data manager or admin to regularly monitor data entry, validate entries for consistency, and promptly correct any inaccuracies. This way, you catch mistakes before they become larger issues, ensuring your team can focus on selling rather than fixing errors.

8. Decreased Customer Satisfaction

When data is inaccurate or outdated, you risk sending irrelevant offers, reaching out to the wrong contacts, or failing to follow up on important customer requests. This frustrates customers and can damage relationships.

To improve customer satisfaction, you need data accuracy and timely customer data for personalized communication: 

9. Implement Real-Time Data Sync

Make sure your CRM syncs with other systems like marketing automation platforms, in real-time. Zapier or MuleSoft can help connect these systems, ensuring updates to customer information are reflected across all platforms immediately.

10. Segment Your Customer Data

Use your CRM to segment customers based on updated data like buying history, preferences, and engagement. Segmenting your audience lets your sales and marketing teams tailor messages that are relevant to each group.

11. Personalize Your Communication

With segmented, accurate data, create targeted email campaigns and sales outreach. Use personalized fields (like names and past purchases) to craft messages that resonate with the customer.

12. Inaccurate Sales Forecasting

Bad data skews sales reports and forecasts. To prevent inaccurate sales forecasts, focus on clean data and real-time reporting: 

13. Schedule Consistent Data Reviews

Set a weekly or monthly routine where your sales managers review pipeline data, lead statuses, and sales projections. Clean up any inaccuracies like leads marked in the wrong sales stage or outdated deal information.

14. Automate Sales Forecasting

Use CRM tools like Salesforce or HubSpot that offer built-in forecasting features. These tools automatically pull data from your sales pipeline and generate real-time forecasts. By automating this process, you ensure that the data used for forecasting is always current and accurate.

15. Implement Real-Time Dashboards

Set up real-time dashboards that show live sales performance metrics, including deal progress and expected revenue. Data quality management tools like Power BI or Tableau can integrate with your CRM to display accurate data, helping sales leaders make informed decisions based on the latest numbers.

16. Increased Costs

Managing and cleaning up poor-quality data costs time and money. Companies can lose up to 20% of their revenue because of bad data. To reduce the costs linked with managing poor data, automation, and prevention, you should: 

17. Automate Data Cleansing & Standardization

Use automated data tools that continually monitor and clean your data. These tools can catch inconsistencies and format data correctly as soon as it's entered. Set up processes for automatic deduplication and regular data health checks.

18. Compliance & Legal Risks

Follow data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA to avoid hefty fines and maintain customer trust. For example, in September 2022, the GDPR fined Instagram 405 million euros for mishandling children's data.

To avoid compliance risks like GDPR violations, focus on strong data governance and privacy practices: 

19. Establish Data Governance Policies

Create clear policies for handling customer data, including guidelines for data collection, storage, and deletion. Make sure these policies align with relevant regulations like GDPR or CCPA. Assign a data protection officer or steward to oversee compliance and ensure these practices are followed by your team.

20. Data Encryption and Security

Implement data encryption to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Encryption ensures that even if there is unauthorized access, the data stays unreadable without the correct decryption key. Additionally, use firewalls and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to further protect customer data from breaches. 

21. Train Your Team on Data Privacy

Train your staff on data privacy regulations and data quality best practices for handling personal information. This ensures everyone in your organization understands the importance of data security and compliance to avoid costly legal penalties.

6 Common Data Quality Issues

data quality on sales -Bad Data Quality Issues

To stay ahead, actively look for signs of data problems like incomplete customer records, duplicate entries, or outdated information. Here are some common data quality issues: 

  1. Inaccurate Data: This occurs when the information in your system doesn’t reflect real-world facts. For example, wrong contact details or incorrect customer names cause failed communications.
  2. Incomplete Data: Missing critical information like phone numbers, email addresses, or key customer attributes, prevents effective targeting and personalization in sales efforts.
  3. Duplicate Data: Duplicate records of the same customer or lead waste resources and can confuse multiple sales reps who will have to reach out to the same person.
  4. Inconsistent Data: When data is entered in different formats across various systems, it creates inconsistencies. For example, phone numbers recorded in different formats can cause errors when transferring data between systems.
  5. Outdated Data: Old or irrelevant data like outdated customer preferences or contact details, reduces the effectiveness of sales efforts and can lead to missed opportunities.
  6. Irrelevant Data: Data that no longer serves any purpose can clutter your systems, making it difficult to focus on the information that matters for sales and decision-making.

6 Ways To Improve Data Quality For Sales Effectiveness

To improve data quality for sales effectiveness, follow these key data quality management strategies: 

1. Conduct Quarterly Data Audits for Consistency

Review and assess the data in your sales systems, quarterly or even monthly, to identify and fix issues like inaccuracies, duplicates, outdated information, or incomplete records. Here’s how to conduct a data audit: 

  • Identify key data types that directly impact sales like customer contact details, purchase history, and lead information, and check for missing or incomplete information.
  • Correct or remove old data that is no longer relevant like outdated contact details or former customers.
  • Use Ringlead or DemandTools to identify and merge duplicate records so your sales teams don’t waste time working on the same lead multiple times.
data quality on sales - Data Audits

2. Implement Data Validation At Entry Points

To keep your sales data clean from the start, you need to validate it at entry points. Decide which data fields need to be accurate like email addresses, phone numbers, and postal codes. Next, set validation rules for each field: 

  • Emails should include "@" and a valid domain (like ".com").
  • Phone numbers must follow the correct format (e.g., 10 digits).
  • Postal codes should match your region’s format.

Make sure you replace free-text fields with drop-down options for items like country or state to prevent mistakes. Also, make sure critical fields like name and contact details are mandatory before submission.

data quality on sales - Implement Data Validation At Entry Points

Lastly, test the rules to make sure they work properly. If you’re short on time, hire a data management intern to oversee the initial stages of data entry, manually checking for errors and ensuring that the validation processes are functioning effectively. This proactive approach will free up your sales team to focus on closing deals, not fixing data issues.

3. Use Automated Data Cleansing Tools

Select a data cleansing tool that fits your needs. Popular options include LeadGenius, OpenRefine, or built-in CRM tools like Salesforce 

Once you select your tool, set up specific cleansing rules to guide the process. These rules can include removing duplicate records, correcting typos, and standardizing formats for key fields like phone numbers and addresses. 

To keep your data continuously clean, schedule weekly cleanses so your system stays up-to-date. After each cleanse, review the results to ensure the tool is fixing errors without impacting valuable data. For maximum efficiency, integrate the cleansing tool with your CRM so that data updates happen automatically across your entire sales system.

4. Integrate Your CRM with Other Systems

This step will keep your data flowing smoothly and boost your sales effectiveness. Start by identifying which systems your CRM needs to connect with like marketing automation tools, customer support platforms, or eCommerce systems. 

Once you've pinpointed these, use APIs or built-in integrations to link them together, so that the information flows smoothly between departments. This ensures your sales, marketing, and support teams are all working with the same accurate data.

For example, when a lead interacts with your marketing campaigns, their activity should automatically sync with the CRM, updating their profile for the sales team to use. Additionally, integrating customer support systems with your CRM lets your sales reps have full visibility into customer issues for more personalized follow-ups. 

5. Provide Ongoing Data Training

Provide ongoing data training to your team for maintaining data quality. 

  • Organize regular training sessions on data management.
  • Demonstrate best practices for using CRM and data tools.
  • Provide reference materials like documentation and tutorials.
  • Teach proper data formatting and duplicate entry avoidance.
  • Offer refresher courses to update the team on new processes.
  • Reinforce the importance of accurate, up-to-date data for sales success.

6. Appoint & Empower Data Stewards

Assign dedicated individuals to monitor and manage your data’s health. This means your sales team won't waste time chasing bad leads or dealing with outdated information. 

Instead, they'll focus on what matters like closing deals and driving growth. Data stewards also take ownership of implementing best practices to make sure your data stays clean as your business scales. With someone actively managing and improving your data quality, you'll see smoother operations, better decision-making, and ultimately, stronger sales performance.


As you apply these practices, think about: How quickly can I implement changes like CRM integration and data validation? What resources am I lacking?

For expert help in maintaining high-quality data, check out LeadGenius. We offer solutions to keep your data clean and actionable. We will ensure your sales team has access to accurate, up-to-date customer information, so you can target the right leads, eliminate duplicates, and streamline your sales process.

Author Bio:

Sarah Mitchell is a freelance writer dedicated to producing premium blog content for entrepreneurs and SMBs. Her work helps them streamline their content marketing and you may recognize her name from platforms like Hubspot, Outbrain, Flippa, and many more.

  • Author picture: here


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