HubSpot’s Clearbit Acquisition: A Game Changer or A Repeat of History?

Marketing Operations
June 10, 2024

Two weeks ago, the business world witnessed a significant move: HubSpot agreed to acquire Clearbit for a whopping $150 million in cash. This strategic move brings to mind Salesforce's infamous acquisition of Jigsaw in 2010 - a venture that didn't exactly pan out as expected. However, I believe HubSpot's foray into this territory might just be the success story that Salesforce's venture never was. Let's delve into why.

The Salesforce-Jigsaw Saga: A Brief Retrospective

In 2010, Salesforce made a bold move by acquiring Jigsaw, a B2B data firm, for $142 million. Renamed as, this venture promised much but delivered little. By 2018, Salesforce decided to shutter, selling it to D&B for a fraction of its worth despite its $300M in ARR at the time.

So, what went wrong? Salesforce missed a crucial opportunity to integrate with customer data, which would have required the development of new, innovative data insights products. Back then, data use cases were still in their infancy, mostly limited to sales. Salesforce's strategy focused more on being the best in CRM, rather than diversifying into the B2B data products market. Ultimately, divesting led Salesforce to a more streamlined and successful path.

HubSpot and Clearbit: A New Dawn

Fast forward to 2023, and we see HubSpot announcing its intent to acquire Clearbit. At first glance, it might seem like HubSpot is walking down a path previously trodden by Salesforce. However, there are a few key reasons why this time it could be different:

  1. Data Integration Across Workflows: Data now plays a pivotal role in linking various GTM workflows and applications. Owning a data asset like Clearbit could reduce integration costs for HubSpot users.
  2. Maturation of the Data Market: The data market has evolved significantly, with uses extending beyond mere prospecting to encompass areas like growth, marketing, and engagement - all domains where HubSpot excels.
  3. HubSpot's Broad Product Range: Unlike Salesforce in 2010, HubSpot boasts a more diverse product portfolio, offering a greater opportunity for successful data integration.

Potential Pitfalls and Opportunities

Despite these positives, there are challenges HubSpot must navigate. Primarily, they should avoid developing a basic prospecting tool for SMBs that only offers rudimentary data. This approach risks generating low-quality, high-churn revenue and could potentially damage their brand reputation.

On the flip side, HubSpot has the potential to redefine GTM data solutions. By integrating Clearbit’s data with HubSpot’s existing customer data and activity signals, they could develop innovative data products to enhance targeting and response rates.

Conclusion: Smart Move or Misstep?

In essence, the Clearbit acquisition could transform HubSpot from a mere provider of a "Dumb Data API" to a pioneer of "Smart Data Insights & Signals." This move has the potential to mark a new chapter in data-driven marketing solutions, provided HubSpot navigates this path with strategic foresight and innovation and doesn't get bogged down in legal issues over use of data in its platform. They will likely need to rewrite terms of service and lose some customers in the process.

As an advocate for bespoke data solutions, we at LeadGenius are excited to see how HubSpot's journey unfolds and how it could potentially reshape the landscape of GTM and data-driven marketing. Stay tuned for more insights and analysis on this developing story!


Impact on Existing Customers and Data Privacy:


How will the acquisition affect Clearbit's existing customers in terms of service continuity, data privacy, and integration capabilities? Will there be any changes to the terms of service that might affect how customer data is handled or shared between Clearbit and HubSpot?


The acquisition of Clearbit by HubSpot is likely to bring about a period of transition that could impact existing Clearbit customers in several ways. Typically, in the aftermath of such acquisitions, the acquiring company, HubSpot in this case, strives to ensure service continuity, aiming to maintain or enhance the value proposition for Clearbit's customers. This involves keeping the services running smoothly without significant disruptions.

Data privacy and the handling of customer information are areas of particular concern. HubSpot has a strong reputation for prioritizing user privacy and compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. It's reasonable to expect that they will extend these practices to Clearbit's operations, potentially even bolstering data privacy safeguards. However, customers should be attentive to any updates in the terms of service, as acquisitions can lead to policy revisions. These changes usually aim to integrate the data handling policies of the acquired company with those of the acquirer, ensuring they align with legal standards and the acquirer's corporate ethics.

Strategic Goals and Future Product Integrations:


What are HubSpot's long-term strategic goals with the acquisition of Clearbit? Are there specific product integrations or new features that HubSpot plans to introduce as a result of this acquisition? How will this acquisition enhance HubSpot's current offerings in the CRM and marketing automation space?


HubSpot's strategic goals behind acquiring Clearbit likely center around enhancing its CRM and marketing automation offerings by leveraging Clearbit's data-enrichment capabilities. Clearbit excels in providing detailed insights about potential and existing customers, which can significantly enrich HubSpot's already robust platform. This acquisition could lead to deeper integrations within HubSpot's suite, such as more personalized marketing automation workflows, improved lead scoring models, and richer customer profiles, all of which contribute to a more tailored and effective user experience.

Specific product integrations could include embedding Clearbit's real-time data enrichment directly into HubSpot's CRM, enabling users to automatically update and enhance contact and company information. This would streamline processes for sales and marketing teams, making it easier to target and engage with prospects effectively. Additionally, the integration of Clearbit's technology could lead to the development of new features that leverage AI and machine learning for predictive analytics, offering insights into future customer behavior based on current data trends.

Market Competition and Industry Consolidation


How does this acquisition reflect broader trends in the tech and B2B data industry regarding consolidation and competition? Will the acquisition of Clearbit by HubSpot affect the competitive landscape, particularly concerning other major players like Salesforce, Marketo, or LeadGenius? How might this consolidation impact innovation and pricing in the industry?


The acquisition reflects broader industry trends towards consolidation, where larger platforms like HubSpot are expanding their ecosystems through strategic acquisitions. This consolidation can have a dual impact on the competitive landscape. On one hand, it strengthens the position of companies like HubSpot, enabling them to offer more comprehensive solutions and compete more effectively against giants like Salesforce and Marketo. On the other hand, it can stimulate innovation among competitors, as they seek to differentiate themselves and offer unique value propositions.

For companies like LeadGenius, the acquisition presents both challenges and opportunities. The enhanced capabilities of a combined HubSpot and Clearbit platform may increase competition, but it also highlights the growing importance of bespoke data and custom insights in driving successful marketing and sales strategies. In response, companies can focus on developing unique offerings that leverage their specific strengths, such as specialized data sets or industry-specific insights not available through larger platforms.

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